TRANSFER Empresas, Negocios y Traspasos

Gabinete técnico especializado en el traspaso y cesión de empresas y negocios

We are a consultant and technical cabinet focused on advising on the purchase and sale of businesses and companies.

There are many reasons that can lead you to think about selling your business or business. It can also be a dream for you to acquire your own company or business.

Therefore, we help you to sell or buy your business or company in a simple, professional way, avoiding unnecessary visits, waste of time and possible surprises in the operation.

Des de TRANSFER offers services of high added value: we accompany you throughout the process of buying and selling your business or company, defending your interests and guaranteeing the legal certainty of the whole operation, making available all our period and experience in the sector.

Buying or selling a business is one of the most important decisions you're going to make in your life. Our recommendation is that you walk this path accompanied by professionals: TRANSFER accompanies you.

¿Por qué elegirnos?

Áreas de Servicios

Representación y comercialización

We represent you throughout the buying and selling process and take care of marketing your company or business to achieve a successful return.

Valor de mercado

We perform the analysis of the market value of your business or company, develop your financial economic plan and build business projections.


We take care of advising you legally during the operation, we draft the documents, agreements and contracts necessary to guarantee your interests.

Asesoramiento fiscal, contable, laboral

We offer you comprehensive advice on the sale of your company or business analyzing all the tax, tax, accounting and labor aspects involved in the operation.

Financiación y reinversión

We help you get the necessary funding to launch your project and also advise you on how to invest the profits made from the sale of your company or business.

Locales comerciales, reformas y proyecto técnico

We assist you in negotiating with the owner of the premises. We have a wide portfolio of commercial premises, we help you find the perfect space and condition it to your needs.